P R O G R E S S I V E    R E S O U R C E S   F O R   E D U C A T O R S   P R E S E N T E D   B Y :

Multimedia Resources

Check back regularly to see what's been added to this page of links and downloadable resources!

List of sites offering free email and web space.
Get an email address or server space for your personal web site from one of the services listed on this page!

List of sites offering free multimedia utilities and great shareware
Get an email address or server space for your personal web site from one of the services listed on this page!

QuickTime LogoA Teacher's Quick-and-Dirty Guide to Video Editing with MoviePlayer and QuickTime 2.0 (or above).
This document teaches you to use the MoviePlayer software that came with your computer to edit your own QuickTime movies on a shoestring. After you master MoviePlayer, you are ready for iMovie, Premiere or Final Cut Pro?

The Five Big Ideas Behind Student-Created Multimedia... Before the truckload of AV Powermacs or Pentiums arrive at your school there is much you can do to get the kids ready for the communication age. In fact, many of the skills needed for the future look just like the skills kids have always needed. These are the creative, intellectual, expressive and collaborative skills too often overlooked by traditional schooling.

Cool Tools

Pepperdine GSEP Student Tools and Information Page

Check the quality of your web pages at Website Garage.Com

Apple's (Mac only) Internet Data Detectors - Must Have!

RealAudio and RealVideo Plug-ins and Encoders

Cross-platform (Mac, PC, Unix)Shareware Library
Mac-only Shareware Library

Mac-only Source for Online Free and Shareware Tools

Low-end Mac Preservation Society
A leading site covering older Macs, Low End Mac has moved to its own
domain -- and is now served on a Macintosh.

Fred D'Ignazio's Mudpie School - A Compendium of Classroom Multimedia Ideas and Resources Amazon.Com

QuickTime Logo QuickTime Audio/Video Multimedia System Software and Support

  • Get QuickTime 3 & Pro Here
  • QuickTime Support
  • Mac MoviePlayer Documentation
  • Windows 95 MoviePlayer Documentation
  • Media Formats Supported by QuickTime Pro

    Gary Stager's Editing Video with MoviePlayer Handout

    Excellent MacWorld articles about using media on the web...

    The Little QuickTime Page

    Atlanta Summer Olympic Medal Results by Country... I downloaded, massaged and reformatted the final medal results from the 1996 Summer Olympics. The process took several hours. This data may be used by students for research, to analyze data or learn to use a database. The data is available in various formats including: ClarisWorks 4.0/Appleworks 5 database and spreadsheet, Tabletop, and ASCII tab-delimited files. Thanks to CNN Interactive for making the data available online (albeit in an ugly format).

    Handouts detailing how technology and constructionism can assist the national standards in the enchancement of mathematics and science learning.

    My Favorite Software for Learners of All Ages
    'Nuff said...

    Shareware & Public Domain Software Tools for Hip Kids and Teachers

    Click here to download freeware and shareware tools you can use to enhance your web-surfing and multimedia authoring. Sorry, all of the programs are for the Macintosh. I have enough trouble collecting programs for one platform. I'm sure there are terrific Windows tools available elsewhere on the net.

    Net Resources for WIRED Educators

    The Concord Consortium
    The gold standard for research and development organizations concerned with learning in the digital age. There are wonderful resources available at this site.

    The Global Schoolhouse Foundation and Global Schoolhouse Network
    The Global Schoolhouse Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to school use of the Internet. Al Rogers is the founder and chair of this widely regarded resource for "wired" educators.

    Fred D'Ignazio's Home of Multi-Media Classrooms Fred D'Ignazio is the "Father of Student-Created Multimedia." He has been an inspiration to me for thirteen years. Check-in at his web-site to see what he is up to, but hire me for all of your consulting and professional development needs.

    TERC TERC is an educational research and development organization whose work has led to such products as Tabletop, The Global Lab, MBL probes, National Geographic Kidsnetwork and more.

    Judi Harris is a leading telecommunications educator who has written extensively about strategies for using the net in your classroom. She also writes a monthly column for "Learning and Leading with Technology," called, "Mining the Internet."
    Judi Harris' Network-Based Educational Activity Collection

    Curriculum Administrator Magazine
    A rapidly improving monthly magazine for contemporary educators. Gary Stager is a Contributing Editor.

    Technology and Learning Magazine
    Electronic Learning Magazine
    T.H.E. Journal

    Key Curriculum Press publishes outstanding math educational materials, including the Geometers' Sketchpad.

    Art Museums on the Net a starting point for finding virtual art museums.
    The Grand List of School Virtual Museums

    CNN Interactive This is a fantastic resource complete with photos, background text, audio and QuickTime movies - a real model of what's possible online.

    MS-NBC Cool source of news and information.

    A Small Collection of Online Newspapers

    USA Today Online
    The New York Times on the Web
    The Los Angeles Times
    The Village Voice online
    The San Jose Mercury News a good online newspaper. The Mercury often has hot scoops on Apple Computer.
    NY Newsday

    ...daily from Long Island, NY

    Augusta Georgia Chronicle
    The Melbourne Australia "AGE"

    USA Newspapers This is a rich source of links to online newspapers from across the USA.

    USA Magazines by the same organizer of the newspapers link.

    The Magazine Rack a huge list of online magazines.

    The Electronic Newstand Monster Magazine List

    Edupage News

  • Macintosh Educator's Site Lots of links and resources for Macintosh-using educators

    Table of Contents
    professional developmentplanning/consultinglaptopsshop articles/paperslogomultimedialinksbioemail

    This page last updated on Thursday, October 11, 2001

    ©1999 Gary S. Stager except where noted. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute this material in any form without the express written permission of Gary S. Stager