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Featured This Month - The Overtesting of America
Wired News and Lycos

Gary Stager was recently featured in an interview about the insanity of betting our children's future on tests.

Lives Destroyed, Billions of Dollars Wasted - Find out more..

Join this grassroots community dedicated to informing the public about the true costs of standardized testing.

Where in the World is
Gary S. Stager ...
During July and August off 2001 Gary worked with educators in Mexico City, Los Angeles, Copenhagen and across Australia. Learn where and when you can hear Gary live. Calendar of appearances

Professional Development That Works

Find out how schools and educators around the world have learned from Gary's unique expertise. Your institution or conference can benefit too. Click here.

Shaper of Our Future
Gary Stager was honored by Converge Magazine when they named him as a shaper of our future and inventor of our destiny here.

Unlocking Minds

Wired News recently profiled the work being done in the Maine Youth Center to transform the learning environment for at-risk kids. Gary has played a major role in this project. Read the intriguing story here.

Breaking Out
Converge Magazine featured a great story about the Constructionist Learning Laboratory in Maine. Read about it here.


MicroWorlds Pro
is here!