
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Others Wrestle with Intellectual Property Issues Too

While I'm being criticized for not understanding fair-use and intellectual property law, Tim Berry in The Huffington Post offers the following food for thought - Ebooks, Copyright, Piracy.

I'm personally fond of what he calls the "Slashdot Argument."

David Pogue's articles and music videos (links included) are also worthy of your time.

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Friday, May 30, 2008

A Writing Teacher Discusses the NY Times "Blogger Girl"

Putting blogger, Emily Gould, on the cover of last Sunday's New York Times Magazine set off a firestorm among the chattering classes of traditional media and the blogosphere.

The Los Angeles Times discusses the controversy and whether Ms. Gould's blog-fueled fame/exhibitionism is worthy of such prized New York Times real estate.

Marcia Meier, director of the Santa Barbara Writer's Conference, writes in the Huffington Post, "At Least She's Writing..." in an article that makes arguments Will Richardson might share.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What I Hate About Blogging - Part 1 of a series

There are any number of things I read in other people's blogs that I would like to respond to. However, I must carve out the time needed to craft a thoughtful response.

The nature of the user interface of blogs is such that "he who hesitates is unread." If you don't response quickly, you've lost your chance to engage in the discussion. Once a few readers post replies, people stop reading.

As soon as the author posts the next blog, the collective memory of the community abandons the previous topic. It's 4:03 AM and I must surrender to sleep soon.


Engarrafamento photo by Fernando Lins

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