Course values and reflective questions...

Gary’s Assessment Rubric
Were you able to accomplish more than you thought was possible?

A Few Course Principles...

Learning is not a spectator sport.
Constructionists do not subcontract the construction.
You must allow for serendipity.
Do a lot with a little.

What are you learning? Why are you learning it?
How does “this” benefit the learner?”
What’s the big idea?

Ted Sizer’s & the Coalition of Essential Schools’ Habits of Mind...

The habit of...

Deborah Meier and the Central Park East Secondary School’s Intellectual Habits
  1. Evidence - How do you know that?
  2. Viewpoint - Who said that and why?
  3. Cause and Effect - What led to it, what else happened?
  4. Hypothesizing - What if...?

These habits should be in evidence in your work!

Feel free to ask yourself why what you are thinking, planning or doing is important. Relevance is a major component of learning.

(Additional items welcomed throughout the trimester)


1. We are all WiReD...
We all have an Internet e-mail account and will read our email/newsgroups regularly. Students are expected to share resources and raise topics for discussion as well.

2. We assume responsibility for our own learning...

3. We are ethical and moral individuals...

4. The best way to learn it is to live it...

Students will seek and indulge in relevant experiences. People who rely upon just passively sitting in class (or online) will shortchange their learning and grades.

5. Part of living it is reflecting about it with others...

6. We will ask three before me (Gary). Students should ask questions of classmates, peers and use other resources before automatically asking the teacher for help.

7. We will read manuals and software menus for information.

8. We will not whine...
'Nuff said

9. No puppets